That's after Gardaí released an evo-fit of a man connected to an alleged rape that occurred on October 13, 2024 - 108 days ago.
Gardai have told Kfm that they made "an operational decision" to reach out to the public via a televised appeal after they "utilised all mechanisms to identify" a suspected rapist who attacked a woman in Athy over three months ago.
Kfm has requested further information on what operational decisions were made and what assistance was sought from the public in the aftermath of the attack.
That's after Gardaí released an evo-fit of a man connected to an alleged rape that occurred on October 13, 2024 - 108 days ago.
The incident took place at approximately 7:30 p.m. along the River Barrow Walkway, where a female victim was attacked by a male suspect.
After the assault, the suspect fled in the direction of Athy Town.
Many members of the public have voiced frustration that the incident in question occurred last October, and the appeal is only being made now.
Some members of the public said they have walked in the area and have expressed concern about why they were not informed sooner.
Gardaí in Kildare have told Kfm that they are "satisfied" with the response from the public following the broadcast this week.
They said that they have received "assistance" from the public since releasing an evo-fit of the suspect.
They are urging anyone with further information to come forward and assist with the inquiry.
Members of the public who may have relevant details are encouraged to contact Kildare Garda Station.
Suspect Description:
Height: 6’2” to 6’4”
Age: Early to mid-30s
Build: Very thin
Face: Skinny, oval-shaped with sunken cheeks and facial stubble
Nose: Large
Eyes: Distinctive
Hair: Dark brown fringe visible beneath a black peak cap
Accent: North Kildare/Dublin
Clothing: All black, including a peak cap