A new report found that Councils are taking on average around 34 weeks to find tenants for social housing
The total number of vacant council dwellings at end 2021 was 4,448 vacancies compared to the 2020 figure of 4,467, a decrease of 19 units or 4%.
The National Oversight and Audit Committee has also found that 3% of all council-owned homes are currently vacant.
Galway and Longford accounted for the highest vacancy rate at over 7% each.
NOAC, year on year, looked at the number of dwellings in a local authority’s overall stock that were not tenanted as of 31st December.
The overall percentage of directly provided local authority stock vacant at the end of 2021 was just 3.16%, a decrease from the 2020 figure of 3.18%.
The lowest vacancy rate was in Monaghan at 0.84%.
While Councils are taking on average around 34 weeks to find tenants for social housing.
The national average re-letting time, from the date the tenant vacated the dwelling to the date of the first rent debit in 2021, was 34.44 weeks which is higher, when compared to 32.69 weeks in 2020.
However, the report noted that Covid-19 impacted this timeline.
The average letting cost was €19,653.39 compared to €19,065.30 in 2020; an increase of €588.09.
The longest average re-letting time across these six authorities was recorded by Cork City at 75.72 weeks and the shortest at 18.44 weeks by Dublin City.