That's according to the Legal Services Regulatory Authority
673 complaints were made to the Legal Services Regulatory Authority about legal practitioners in a five month period, from March to September last year.
Of those, the LSRA says, 646 complaints were closed.
The overall total includes 32 complaints closed by the independent Complaints Committee, set up in 2020 to investigate complaints of alleged misconduct referred to it by the LSRA.
The authority says 443 complaints alleged misconduct, with 193 complaints about alleged inadequate standard of legal services and a further 37 relating to alleged excessive costs, including overcharging.
Of the complaints closed, 49% were deemed to be inadmissible following consideration by the LSRA.
42% were closed pre-admissibility – that is before a decision was made as to whether the complaint was admissible.
The LSRA’s complaints staff made determinations in a total of 21 complaints of inadequate legal services and excessive costs, and issued directions to solicitors in 17 of these complaints which were upheld.
The LSRA’s Chief Executive Dr Brian Doherty joined Clem Ryan on Tuesday's edition of Kildare Today: