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9 Days Left For Kildare Social Housing Tenants To Complete Summary Social Housing Assessment

Stock image: Pixabay

KCC says those who do not complete the assessment will be "removed from the housing list."

Kildare County Council is reminding certain applicants that it is continuing to carry out its Summary Social Housing Assessment.

Any approved applicants who joined the housing waiting list between 2011 and 2015 need to complete the assessment.

KCC says the forms are being posted to people's homes, and are also available here

People in receipt of Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) tenant, Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS) tenant or who are transfer tenants don't need to to complete this form.

The closing date is Monday 18th October 2021.

KCC cautions "Under the departmental directive, failure to submit fully completed SSHA 2021 form, along with relevant documentation, will result in the file being closed and the applicant being removed from the housing list."


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