Grainne Plaxton struggled to find a spot in an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) class anywhere in the county for her 12-year-old son Alex, with Kfm highlighting her case in March.
The Clane mother of a child with autism who struggled to secure a specialised autism class for her son said she shares the frustrations of parents who gathered in the capital today.
Around 50 parents protested outside the Department of Education, calling for the government to intervene to help secure their children a school place.
Grainne Plaxton struggled to find a spot in an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) class anywhere in the county for her 12-year-old son Alex, with Kfm highlighting her case in March.
She applied to seven schools in North Kildare and two schools outside the county.
However, today she explained how her son Alex had his first day in a special needs class in Prosperous.
She said, however, that she can relate to the frustration felt by parents protesting in the capital today.
Charlotte Cahill, whose daughter Cyra has autism, is waiting on a school place.
She says Cyra has specific needs and so far has been rejected from 32 schools.