ABP granted permission to Kilsaran for the extraction of 3 million tonnes of sand and gravel from a site at Racefield.
An Athy councillor says every resource will be used by the Municipal District's elected representatives to ensure a quarry in Ballyshannon does not proceed.
An Bord Pleanala granted permission, on appeal, in June to Kilsaran for the extraction of 3 million tonnes of sand and gravel from the Racefield site.
Kildare County Council refused permission for the project in November 2019 - the firm subsequently referred it to ABP.
Over 200 objections were lodged from local people and organisations.
The Ballyshannon Action Group is fundraising for a judicial review of the decision.
Labour Cllr. Aoife Breslin has been speaking to Kildare Today.
Cllr. Breslin joined Eoin Beatty on Wednesday's edition of the programme on her motions before the July meeting of the MD