That includes Kildare, as the entire county is a Rent Pressure Zone.
Breaches of rent caps have been recorded in every county in to which they've been introduced.
That includes Co. Kildare, as the entire county is designated a Rent Pressure Zone.
This means landlords are prohibited from increase rent by more than 4% a year.
However, across Ireland, just 29 breaches of these caps have been recorded by the Residential Tenancies Board.
90% of investigations in to breaches do no result in sanctions against landlords.
Social Democrats TD, and spokesperson on Housing, Cian O'Callaghan, joined Clem Ryan on Wednesday's edition of Kildare Today.
Rent caps have been breached in every county they've being introduced.
— Cian O'Callaghan T.D. (@OCallaghanCian) November 2, 2021
Only about 10% of investigations into rent cap breaches by the Residential Tenancies Board resulted in sanctions for landlords.
By any measure this system is not working. https://t.co/P0ydNeNf2g