Ryan topped the poll in the 2020 General Election
TD for Kildare South Patricia Ryan has resigned from Sinn Fein.
The party released a statement on Wednesday evening, confirming the news.
Sinn Féin Whip Padraig MacLochlainn said he was “disappointed” in Ms Ryan’s decision to resign.
“Patricia Ryan has been a Sinn Féin TD since 2020, having served on Kildare County Council in the year before that. She was a valued member of our team and I’m disappointed that she has made this decision,” he said.
“The convention for the Kildare South Constituency will take place next week, with nominations opening tomorrow morning. This is likely to be a contested convention. We encouraged Patricia to seek the nomination but she was unwilling to do so."
“She informed us today that she will not be putting her name forward and tendered her resignation from the party.”
Kfm understands Deputy Ryan is unhappy with how she has been treated by the party and Kfm has contacted her for comment.