The population of Kildare has increased by almost 25,000 people.
The population of County Kildare has increased by 11% since 2016, according to the preliminary census results.
Kildare now has the fourth highest population in the country at 246,977, fourth after Dublin, Cork and Galway.
Kildare also had the fourth highest population increase in the past six years at 24,473, fourth only to Dublin, Cork and Meath.
The population of the state is now the highest it has been since pre famine times.
There are now 5.12 million people living in Ireland.
The population here has grown by 8%, and every county saw a population increase.
The population of Dublin grew by over 103,000, while Longford saw the largest increase in population in the country, growing by 14%.
In Leinster, 10 of the 12 counties showed a higher percentage increase than the national average of 8%; there are now almost 225,000 more people living in the province than six years ago.
The increase in housing does not match the increase in population, housing stock grew by just over 120,000.
The overall population grew by just over 361,000.