Its with respect to 142 homes on the western side of Millicent Road and southern side of Prosperous Road.
Clane Community Council has taken High Court challenges, aimed at overturning permission for strategic housing development.
Its with respect to permission granted by An Bord Pleanala for 142 homes on the western side of Millicent Road and southern side of Prosperous Road.
Developers proposing more than 100 homes do not have to engage with local planning authorities, and can submit their application to ABP.
The community council feels the granting of this permission, in the context of granting leave for another large housing development in the same area, amounts to over-development.
Pádraig McEvoy is an Independent councillor on Kildare County Council, and also a member of the Clane Community Council.
He's been speaking to Kildare Today.
Cllr. McEvoy joined Clem Ryan on Tuesday's edition of the programme.