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Community Text Alert System Goes Live In South Kildare Tonight.

Image: An Garda Siochana

It will serve the people of Kildoon and Nurney

Kildare's newest community alert text system is being launched tonight.

It will serve the people of Kildoon and Nurney, and is being unveiled at a meeting at Nurney GAA at 7pm.

The system enables communities to set up a group to receive alerts advising them of suspect or criminal activity in their area.

It also creates a direct link with local Gardai.

Co-Ordinator, Martina Loakman, says everyone is welcome.

Garda Seán O'Mahony is stationed in Athy and says people interested in setting up a community alert in their area can contact him.

Gardai say the system operates on these principles:

• Member(s) of the public reports incident to the Gardaí (24-hour Garda District -Telephone number which is widely advertised)

• The reporting Garda verifies details and determines that the "Text Alert” system should be utilised

• Garda sends text or e-mail out to each registered "Community Contact” in their Garda District

• Each "Community Contact” forwards the text to their "Community Group” to advise the public to watch out and report any developments

• If the information is received by e-mail the Community Contact may forward the e-mail or convert the content to SMS Text and send to their Community Group.

Martina Loakman and Garda O'Mahoney joined Clem Ryan on Thursday's edition of Kildare Today.

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