Motions brought forward by Cllr. Bill Clear.
A review of the public lighting in Naas has been requested.
Councillor Bill Clear of the Social Democrats has requested brighter whiter lights for Naas, especially in the Monread Park area.
"I will keep pushing this issue, which has been brought to my attention by numerous women in the town," he said.
The issue was also highlighted by a KFM listener and Naas Tidy Town Committee member Ciaran Fitzsimons.
Councillor Bill Clear has asked that the council install a pedestrian crossing or raised table uncontrolled crossing across the Sallins Road at the Sycamores Estate, Naas.
The council has advised that there is no funding available for the provision of a crossing at this location.
The council said the area should be examined as part of the Sallins Road Cycle Track Scheme and to examine it in advance of a comprehensive project would be considered premature.
He asked that the council install signage and road markings at the entrance to Dunnes Stores,advising people not to block the footpath with their vehicles, thus forcing people onto the road.
"In the short term Dunnes said it will look into signage.
"Long term the path will need to be widened and a lane will be lost," he said.
The council has said that the Naas Municipal District Office will review this location and assess possible road markings to advise of the footpath location.
Cllr. Clear has asked the council to give an update on the construction of the footpath at the petrol station in Sallins, and will it be constructed as part of the Sallins interim/permanent measures proposed for the town?
The council has said improvement works to the footpath at the junction of Main Street Sallins and Chapel Lane, and the garage, are included as part the proposed works for Sallins.
It said the footpath will provide a suitable quality surface for pedestrians and enhance the demarcation between the footway and the road thereby improving safety for all road users.
"I will do my utmost best to get a footpath all through Sallins, without users having to cross over and back on the road," he said.
This footpath was included in the Section 38 “Sallins traffic calming and cycle track scheme” approved in November 2021.
Construction of the footpath will follow after the Irish Water scheme which is scheduled to take place adjacent to the Garage.
The footway is expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2022.
He asked that the council update the members on the status of the houses that the council purchased in details provided, Naas and when will they be renovated.
"The council have not bought these houses, it turns out they are privately owned.
"The council have indicated that it wants to buy derelict buildings, " he said.
The council has said following on from the publication of Housing for All, A New Housing Plan for Ireland and subsequent delivery targets set by the Department of Housing, LocalGovernment and Heritage, Kildare County Council is examining all property and land in its ownership which may be suitable for development or renovation.