The tree was made entirely from 120 handmade ten-inch granny squares.
It took three months to create.
So says the creators of an 8ft Christmas tree made entirely from 120 handmade ten-inch granny squares
Crafted by Tracy Gladok of Monasterevin Women’s Shed and Jacinta Kenna, organiser of The People's Market and Street Fest Monasterevin, the tree can be viewed on Main Street Monasterevin, opposite the community center.
"Yarn crafts such as crochet are becoming very popular again and not just among older ladies, it’s a pastime for all ages and all sexes. I've only been crocheting for 18 months, but I’m now hooked on the craft. The tree proves that if you dream big you can make things happen. Nothing is impossible with a bit of imagination, a tad of learning and practice," Tracy said.
Jacinta explained: "Yarn decorating has become a passion for the ladies in the community, there is so much interest in the old yarning crafts and a want to learn the skills. For a long time I’ve dreamed of having a crochet Christmas tree for our town and between the two of us we can finally say we have achieved it."