Motions brought by Cllr. Aidan Farrelly.
Councillor Aidan Farrelly of the Social Democrats has asked the Municipal District Engineer be invited to meet on site at Firmount Cross to discuss safety concerns posed by private parking in bus stops.
"In my opinion, its one of the most dangerous cross in the county," he said.
"Existing bus stop needs to be painted and that has been agreed.
"Engineers will assess the cross and what needs to be done to make it safer," he added
However, the Municipal District Office is not aware of any issues at this location, no concerns have been raised by the bus operatives The Municipal District Engineer will meet Councillor Farrelly at the location to discuss the concerns.
The Social Democrats Councillor has asked that the council add the road from Hatters Cross, Prosperous to Firmount Cross, Clane to the works programme for 2022.
The council has said this road will be included in the list for assessment and consideration.
Cllr. Farrelly has asked the council confirm if Barrington Court, Prosperous is on the Trees Programme
for 2022.
The council has said Barrington Court is not included in the programme of 2022 but the council will assess the estate to see what work is necessary and if it can be accommodated in the programme.