Its with respect to Gaelscoil Ruairi, Maynooth
The Dept. of Education has supplied additional information on its plans for a new North Kildare school.
It is seeking planning permission of Kildare County Council for a building for Gaelscoil Ruairi Maynooth on the Moyglare Road in the town.
The school currently has 13 pupils.
The Dept. wants to construct a 2 storey school, including a two classroom SEN base.
KCC requested additional information, mostly on traffic and access matters, of the Dept. some time ago.
The Dept. furnished that information and, thereafter, the council sought "clarification of further information", including direct engagement with its Transportation section.
That clarification has now been provided.
The development description, as published by KCC, is:
"a two storey 8 classroom Primary School Building (Roll Number 20527F), including a two classroom SEN Base, a general purpose hall and ancillary accommodation. The proposed scheme incorporates associated car parking, access road, pedestrian and bicycle access, construction of an external ball court and play areas, landscaping connection to public services, and all associated siteworks. Revised by Significant Further Information which consists of a Natura Impact Statement included with the application Moyglare Road, Maynooth, Co. Kildare