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Kildare Today

with Clem Ryan

Fianna Fáil Cllrs. Want To Know How Many Kildare Households Have Been Fined For Not Having A Refuse Servicing.

Stock image: Pexels

Motion to come before KCC's monthly meeting.

The Fianna Fáil group of councillors want to know how many households Kildare County Council have fined for not having a waste collection service.

The "Obligation to participate in a Waste Collection Service" is part of the Bye-laws for the Regulation and Control of Waste Management (Segregation, Storage and Presentation of Household and Commercial Waste) in Kildare.

Councillors Carmel Kelly, Veralouise Behan, Anne Connolly, Michael Coleman, Suzanne Doyle, Paul Ward, Brian Dooley and Bernard Caldwell want information on the number of fines issued arising from non-compliance with that obligation.

Furthermore, they want to know have many fixed penalty notices have been issued to housholdes to householders " not availing of Kerbside Collections Service where documentation, including receipts was not produced as proof that waste was removed and managed in a manner that conforms to these byelaws".

The joint motion will be debated at the May meeting of KCC.

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