There's criticism that high earners will also benefit.
Measures to help people cope with rising living costs, which will be decided by Government this evening, need to be done in a 'careful' way.
The public expenditure Minster says that whatever is decided needs to be implemented quickly.
The Government will today announce measures to address the impact of the rising cost of living on households.
More than €400m worth of measures aimed at reducing the rising cost of living will be revealed by the Government today.
As part of it, a significant increase in the new household electricity credit to as much as €227 is being considered to help the public.
The Coalition’s range of proposals is aimed at reducing the financial burden on families posed by the rocketing cost of living.
Department officials have been discussing proposals to help households ahead of a Cabinet Committee on Economic Recovery and Investment meeting today where the Coalition leaders and the Finance and Public Expenditure ministers,Pascal Donohoe and Michael McGrath are due to sign off on the plans.
An extension to the fuel allowance season, and a bringing forward of some previously announced budget measures are all in the mix.
There's been criticism that higher earners are also set to benefit.
But Minister Michael McGrath says there are many middle income earners who are struggling with high mortgages and childcare costs and they need assistance too.