The Wicklow Town – Rathnew Draft Local Area Plan is open for public consultation until Wednesday November 20th 2024.
Locals in Wicklow Town, Rathnew and Blessington are being encouraged to have their say and make submissions to Wicklow County Council on the Draft Local Area Plans for their areas, currently open for public consultation.
The Wicklow Town – Rathnew Draft Local Area Plan is open for public consultation until Wednesday November 20th 2024.
Details of the draft plan and how to make a submission can be found here https://wicklow-rathnew-lap-wicklow.hub.arcgis.com/.
The Blessington Draft Local Area Plan is open for public consultation until Wednesday December 11th 2024.
Details of the draft plan and how to make a submission can be found online here https://blessington-wicklow.hub.arcgis.com/.