A council investigation found that water overflowed from the nearby Stonehaven construction site due to "incomplete" drainage infrastructure.
Moves are underway to address flooding at Mountain View Estate on the Blessington Road in Naas following heavy rainfall in January and again in February.
A council investigation found that water overflowed from the nearby Stonehaven construction site due to "incomplete" drainage infrastructure.
A site inspection on February 24 confirmed that surface water had spilled into Mountain View from the southwestern corner of the Stonehaven development.
The issue arose as the site’s drainage system had not yet been fully installed, leading to excess runoff during heavy rain.
In response, the developer has committed to constructing a permanent attenuation pond in the southwestern corner of the site to store and filter water before it is discharged into the local stream.
Additional measures include installing a drain and a soil bund along the site boundary to redirect surface water and prevent future flooding.
Work is currently in progress, with the council monitoring developments to ensure the necessary improvements are completed.
Independent Ireland Cllr. Ger Dunne said he was "in the estate last night and most residents are happy with the progress."
He said "work is underway" now on the attenuation pond.