Up to 30 caravans are now at the site
Concerns have been raised over the number of caravans on the Sallins Bypass, which has doubled over the weekend.
It's reported that up to 30 caravans are now illegally camped there, some on private land.
Speaking on Monday's Kildare Today, Cllr. Carmel Kelly said the Gardaí were able to remove some of the caravans that were on the road and causing disruption to traffic.
However, some have moved onto nearby private land, which she said is the responsibility for the owner to come forward and ask them to vacate.
"Unfortunately when it comes to the clean up, that's going to comeback to the taxpayer, and it could be thousands.
"Legislation doesn't seem to be strong enough," said Cllr.Kelly.
Listen back, to the full interview, Fianna Fáil Cllr. Carmel Kelly on Monday's Kildare Today with Eoin Beatty: