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ISME Crticises Govt. Guidance On Handling Situatations Where Staff Elect Not To Be Vaccinated.

Stock image: Pexels

The employers group says it isn't sufficiently robust.

ISME says it is "dissatisfied" with government's failure to issue "robust" guidance issued for employers handling situations where employees choose not to be vaccinated.

The group, which reprepsents small and medium firms, acknowledges the "absolute" right of citizens to refuse vaccination.

In a letter to Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, the group says Government's latest Work Safely Protocol does not address difficulties regarding unvaccinated staff.

ISME Chief Executive, Neil McDonnell, has been speaking to Kildare Today.

He says many employers are stuck between rock and a hard place.

Neil McDonnell joined Clem Ryan on Friday's edition of Kildare Today.

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