Dozens of cars are parking near the junction at Prumplestown.
Kildare County Council is being asked, 5 years on, to look again at providing a park and ride facility on parts of the M7.
A defacto car park is being used by dozens of vehicles, daily, at the Prumplestown junction.
It has sprung up around an existing bus stop and car park.
The council owns land in that area.
Fianna Fáil Cllr. Vera Louise Behan, speaking to Kildare Today, says the matter should be revisited.
KCC says "A Part 8 process was considered in 2016 to provide a Park and Ride facility, however, as no funding stream was identified the project did not progress. To progress this item, it would be necessary to identify a Sanctioning Authority which would fund the project in whole or in part."
Cllr. Behan joined Eoin Beatty and Clem Ryan on Tuesday's edition of the programme to discuss her motions before the May meeting of the Athy Municipal District