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KCC "Continuing To Communicate" With HSE On Access To County Home Records.

Stock image: Pixabay

The county home was housed in what is now St. Vincent's Hospital, Athy.

Kildare County Council's archivist is "continuing to communicate" with relevant authorities on accessing county home records.

The workhouse in Athy opened in around 1844, and was built north west of the town, on a site which now houses St. Vincent's Hospital.

It was converted in to the County Home in 1898 and closed in 1996..

Both institutions fell under the auspices of Kildare County Council, which was established in 1899.

KCC says it is engaging with " St. Vincent’s Hospital regarding accessing their records. "

It says it will issue an up-date to councillors " on developments as soon as we receive a complete response from the HSE. "

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