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My First Love

KCC Is Holding A Free Mattress Recycling Day Today.

File image: KCC

It is taking place at Silliot Hill, Kilcullen.

Kildare County Council is holding a free mattress recycling day today.

It is being staged  in partnership with the Regional Waste Enforcement Office and the Department of Environment.

The free recycling event, which will accept other bulky household items, takes place the  Silliot Hill Civic Amenity Centre, in Kilcullen.

The following items will be accepted, and quotas apply:

  1. Double, single, and triple mattresses –maximum of 6 per household
  2. Armchairs - maximum of 3 per household
  3. Couches - maximum of 2 per household
  4. Padded foot-stools - maximum of 2 per household

These items will be accepted between 9am and 3pm.

KCC says " All other household waste can be recycled as normal at the Civic Amenity Site when normal service and opening hours resume on Monday 4th October."


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