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KCC Issues List Of Requirements To Dept. Of Defence For Taking-In-Charge 2 Estates.

Stock image: Pixabay

They are in the Curragh Camp and Kildare Town.

Kildare County Council has given the Dept. of Defence an extensive list of requirements, to enable it to take in charge two estates.

These are St. Barbara's Park, in Kildare Town and Orchard Park in the Curragh Camp.

TIC is the process whereby a local authority assumes responsibility for an estate's infrastructure from its developer or owner.

Most of the homes are privately owned, but the lands, services and roads belong to the Department.

Fine Gael Cllr., Mark Stafford, has been speaking to Kildare Today.

He says KCC is still waiting for the department's response to its requirements.

Cllr. Stafford joined Eoin Beatty on Thursday's edition of the programme.

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