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Ardclough Child's Case Sparks 'Mary Lou-Splaining' Accusation Amid Debate On Special Needs Provision

It came during a debate on summer provision of additional support to children with additional needs.

The Taoiseach has accused the Sinn Féin leader of 'Mary Lou-splaining' to him in the Dáil.

It came during a debate on summer provision of additional support to children with additional needs.

Deputy McDonald accused the Government of making cuts to the service for parents who are under pressure.

She raised the case of Jack McNiffe, a young boy from Ardclough with Down's syndrome, a rare auto-inflammatory disease, and severe intellectual disability, who is among the many children in Ireland struggling to access essential educational services.

She said Jack, who requires 24-hour nursing care and uses a wheelchair, has not had summer provision since 2019 due to a lack of resources.

Jack’s mother has been vocal about the challenges they face, noting that the absence of summer provision places immense stress on the family.

A survey by Family Carers Ireland highlights the broader issue, revealing that 72% of carers have never received respite.

McDonald said many families share Jack's experience, unable to secure summer provision and fearing the impact on their children’s progress and well-being.

She claimed that the recent reduction in the capitation payment for summer provision from €45 to €30 per week has exacerbated the situation, placing additional pressure on schools.

However, Taoiseach Simon Harris hit back, accusing her of 'Mary-Lou splaining'.

He argued that the overall budget remains unchanged and highlighted an increase in participating schools.

"I described Jack's position and situation to the Taoiseach. His mother wrote to The Irish Times in May outlining the position, which has not changed since then. He cannot access summer provision. Far from making a political football of anything, this mother and family are appealing for change and for urgent action in order that Jack can access the support and service he needs in the course of the summer," Deputy McDonald said.

In response, Taoiseach Simon Harris, said: "What the Deputy has conveniently suggested is that the change in the capitation rate has resulted in a reduction in service, when, actually, more schools are providing it this year than last year. The number in that regard is up to 1,700 from 1,400. Those are additional schools - we can all do the maths."

He added: "The reality of the situation is that for Jack and for every other child, this Government is ensuring that more schools will be taking part in summer provision this year than last year."

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