Bus Eireann's school bus services are operating at 50% capacity because of Covid restrictions.
A Kildare father says it is not acceptable that he was told just two days before term starts that he had not secured a place on a school bus for his son.
The child has, today, been driven to school by his mother, who had to take a day's leave to do so.
Bus Eireann's school bus services are operating at 50% capacity because of Covid restrictions.
This is one of the reasons it cited in declining a ticket to this student.
The other is that the family live too close to the school to be accorded a ticket - at present, students living more than 4.8 kilometres away from the school are prioritised.
His father, "James", speaking to Kildare Today, says this was a foreseeable problem.
He joined Eoin Beatty on Friday's edition of the programme