Estate agents expect property costs across the country to rise by an average of 6 per cent over the next 12 months.
House prices have increased by 155 per cent nationally from their low point in early 2013.
Estate agents expect property costs across the country to rise by an average of 6 per cent over the next 12 months.
60 per cent of estate agents say the lack of supply is the main driver of price inflation, according the Society of Chartered Surveyors' annual report.
Vice-President Gerard O'Toole says Kildare and Wicklow have the most expensive homes.
He said a couple earning a combined income of €107,000 and availing of the Help to Buy scheme towards their 10% deposit could afford a three-bed semi in Cork, Galway, and Meath, but would face shortfalls of €13,900 in Kildare and €35,500 in Wicklow.