Experst criticise the state for failing to effectively communicate how critical good ventilation is.
Householders in Kildare are being urging to plan ventilation of their homes to help to prevent transmission of the virus.
An expert group has criticised the state for failing to effectively communicate how critical good ventilation is in the fight against Covid-19.
Watch live as the Joint Committee on Health meet to discuss the role of ventilation in achieving better health outcomes in tackling the Covid-19 virus with Dr. Orla Hegarty @UCDArch & Mr. Simon Jones @AerecoLtd #seeforyourselfhttps://t.co/OM4LMB9ODv https://t.co/uMxkXcamz9
— Houses of the Oireachtas - Tithe an Oireachtais (@OireachtasNews) May 19, 2021
Member of the expert group on ventilation, Dr Orla Hegarty, says pre-planning for the winter months will be key.
Dr. Hegarty joined Clem Ryan on Thursday's edition of the programme.
#Covid19 #ventilation
— Orla Hegarty (@Orla_Hegarty) May 19, 2021
Full text of my statement to #Oireachtas Health Committee today at this link: https://t.co/DOj5KtICCu pic.twitter.com/1AYqhgxXC5