Aisling McNiffe's son, Jack, has complex needs and their home requires bathroom modification.
A Kildare mother says a €7,500 grant from Kildare County Council to modify a bathroom in accordance with her child's needs won't even meet half the cost.
KCC decided on the grant amount following an in-home assessment by its Occupational Therapist.
It says this amount is 95% of the cost of bathroom renovations for 16 year old Jack McNiffe.
Jack has Down syndrome, a rare auto-inflammatory disease, has profound intellectual disability, is non-verbal, and is a wheelchair user.
The modifications to the family home are required to enable his continued care.
His mother, Aisling, has been speaking to Kildare Today.
She estimates the cost of modifications to be double the amount granted by KCC.
Aisling McNiffe joined Clem Ryan on this morning's edition of the programme