It follows the purchase of 80% of a Maynooth housing estate by an investment firm.
A Kildare North Fianna Fáil TD has defended his party's policy on housing.
Last night, the Housing Minister, Fianna Fáil's Darragh O'Brien, said there will be action from the government "shortly" on investment funds buying up residential property.
A recent notable purchase was that by Round Hill Capital, which paid €53 million for 135 out of 170 homes in Mullen Park, Maynooth.
However, senior government figures have warned it could be weeks before anything is in place.
After agreement is reached by Ministers, the Attorney General will have to be consulted and legislation drafted.
James Lawless says cuckoo funds are not the only issue
Deputy Lawless joined Clem Ryan on Wednesday's edition of the programme, in an interview which began with an up-date on site acquisition for three co-located schools in Celbridge.