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Kildare Senator: ABP's Decision On Ballyshannon Quarry "Very Hard To Believe".

Stock image: Shutterstock

3 million tonnes of sand and gravel can now be extracted from a quarry at Racefield.

A Kildare Senator says he finds An Bord Pleanala's decision on a quarry in Ballyshannon "very hard to believe".

The national planning authority last week granted permission to Kilsaran Concrete for extraction of 3 million tonnes of sand and gravel from a quarry at Racefield.

The firm appealed to ABP, following Kildare County Council's decision to refuse permission for the project in late 2019.

There was staunch local opposition to the project, and over 200 objections were submitted to ABP, including by the Aga Khan and other leading members of the racing industry.

Kildare Labour Senator, Mark Wall, notes that ABP's inspector agreed with Kildare County Council's decision.

Senator Wall joined Clem Ryan on Wednesday's edition of Kildare Today.

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