He says the government must seize the opportunity to protect problem gamblers.
A Kildare South Seantor has called for a total ban on betting advertising.
It comes as the Oireachtas Justice Committee wants a total ban on betting advertising before 9 o'clock at night.
The Committee also recommends evaluating the link between sports and gambling advertising, to see if high-profile personalities are influencing young people.
Members want automated software to verify a customer’s age for online betting and background checks when people register for gambling accounts to see if they're financially vulnerable.
TDs and Senators claim there are around 3,500 15 and 16 year olds problem gambling in Ireland.
Kildare South Labour Senator Mark Wall commented:"Labour is calling on government to have the bravery to go one step forward and ban all gambling ads full stop.
“We know that gambling companies are actively targeting our young people, particularly through sport, so the recommendation of the committee to ban these ads before watershed is a step in the right direction.
“It has been an exceptional period of flux for these companies that have had to adapt to the changes in people’s behaviour during Covid, and they did so expertly.
"Indeed, the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland indicated a concerning rise in gambling disorder referrals during the various lockdowns.
"Research published earlier this year by the Health Research Board (HRB) indicates that there are approximately 12,000 problem gamblers in Ireland and a further 125,000 people who are ‘at-risk’ gamblers.
"Since I introduced this legislation in April 2021, our offices have been inundated with families getting in touch, telling their stories and supporting our call for a full ban on gambling ads.
"We need to put controls in place now to protect those who are vulnerable to behaviour addiction," he added.
Clinical Psychologist Mark Smyth says banning ads before the watershed is outdated: