It follows the lifting of a Covid related suspension of new national rates by the CRU.
Leixlip's Intel could be facing an eventual annual water bill of €14 million.
That's according to The Irish Independent.
It follows the lifting of a Covid related suspension of new national rates by the Commission for the Regulation of Utilities.
There are over 5,000 rate paying firms in Kildare and, they are being inform by Irish Water of new charges taking effect from October 1st.
This tariff, for non-domestic use, is designed to standardise prices across Ireland.
The new full price is being introduced on a phased basis, over three year.
The Irish Independent reports that "Around 300 big water users will be getting price hikes of €5,000 and up, but most SMEs are looking at increases of €250 or less in the first year....However, that will gradually rise to the full price after a three-year transition period"