Around 12,000 people live in privately rented accommodation in Kildare.
A bill aimed at increasing rights and protections for renters will be introduced in the Dail later.
Around 12,000 people live in privately rented accommodation in Kildare.
The Labour Party is bringing forward its Renters Rights Bill, launched at its think-in in Athy.
It says the bill ill address the power imbalance between renters and landlords.
Dublin Bay South TD, Ivana Bacik, says it's a very important piece of legislation:
Ivan Bacik, doesn't believe the proposed legislation would drive more landlords out of the market
Labour and Social Democrats call for three-year rent freeze https://t.co/naCmTGE4Ft via @IrishTimesPol
— Irish Times Politics (@IrishTimesPol) September 21, 2021