The legislation allows for a disregard of up to €14,000.
The Government has granted approval for the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024, introducing a substantial change to the Rent-a-Room scheme.
The legislation allows for a disregard of up to €14,000 in annual rental income for participants applying for medical cards and GP visit cards.
Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, expressed satisfaction with the approval, emphasising the Bill's role in removing barriers to the Rent-a-Room scheme.
The move aligns with Housing for All commitments, encouraging greater participation in the program.
"This Bill will mean that Rent-a-Room income will no longer be considered during applications for medical cards and GP visit cards, removing potential obstacles to joining the Rent-a-Room scheme," stated Minister Donnelly.
The income disregard is seen as a crucial intervention for homeowners participating in the Rent-a-Room initiative, providing financial relief and encouraging more individuals to rent out spare rooms.