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Maynooth U. To Be Invited To Appear Before Municipal District On Student Accommodation.

Stock image: Pixabay

The population of Maynooth Town more than doubles during the academic year.

Maynooth University is to be invited to appear before the Clane Maynooth Municipal District on the lack of student accommodation in the town.

Historically, there was enough accommodation for staff and students when the total population was at around 11,000.

However, there are now over 15,000 students attending the university

Fianna Fáil Cllr., Naoise O'Cearúill, raised the matter.

Speaking to Kildare Today, he says the college must engage more fully with KCC.

Cllr. O'Cearúill joined Eoin Beatty on Tuesday's edition of the programme, where they discussed all of his motions before the October meeting of the Clane Maynooth MD.


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