There was a 3% rise in the number of applicants.
Maynooth University has recorded its highest ever number of CAO applications.
This year the University has seen a rise of 4% in applications for degree courses and a 3% rise in the number of applicants.
The increase occurred against the backdrop of a decline in CAO honours degree applications of 3% nationally.
The Maynooth Arts degree has this year recorded the highest number of applications of any course in the CAO system, applications for the degree increased by 11%.
Several programmes at the University have seen a substantial increase in first preferences including Computer Science (+24%), Business and Accounting (+18%) and Science (+18%).
There has also been strong interest in the new BBA Business and Languages degree programme, introduced for entry in 2022.
Similarly, the University has received significant applications for the new full-time four-year BA Early Childhood - Teaching & Learning.
The course was offered for the first time in 2021 in response to the increasing requirement for early childhood graduates to work in this growing sector, and has recorded a 36% increase in applications year on year.