The HSE has advised that the rollout should continue based on age
Great momentum on vaccinations. Almost 200K done last week (>200K when some data is uploaded). >44K done on Friday. >1.6M done in total. Over 788,000 done through April. Our revised plan will aim to continue momentum & work down through the ages with available supplies @HSELive
— Paul Reid (@paulreiddublin) May 3, 2021
Senior Ministers will discuss revised plans to the vaccine rollout programme this afternoon.
The HSE has advised that the rollout should continue based on age with older age cohorts being vaccinated first.
The revised plan could also allow the AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson vaccines be given to the under 50s, but only if there were no other jabs available.
Professor of Immunology at Maynooth University, Paul Moynagh, is concerned the approach is too cautious.