The CSO have released their Prison Re-offending Statistics 2021 report
More than one-third (34%) of individuals based in the Mid-East region (Kildare, Louth, Meath, and Wicklow) re-offended within a year of being released from prison, according to the CSO's Prison Re-offending Statistics 2021 report.
Half (50%) of individuals released from custody during 2021 and living in the Midland region (Laois, Longford, Offaly, and Westmeath) re-offended within a year of being released.
The report's data looked at people released from prison in 2018.
4% of prisoners under 21 re-offended within three years of being released.
That compares to 31% of those aged over 50, according to the CSO.
65% of women re-offended within three years, compared to 62% of men.