It follows an operation on the M4.
A motorist in Kildare is facing prosecution of dangerous driving.
It follows a Naas Roads Policing Units peed check on the M4.
Gardai say "Several motorists were found to be speeding above the limit of 120kph, including this driver who was found travelling at 177kph"
That driver has been detained.
Fines and penalty points have been issued to all motorists detected speeding in that operation.
Naas Roads Policing Unit recently conducted speed checks on the M4. Several motorists were found to be speeding above the limit of 120kph, including this driver who was found travelling at 177kph & who now faces prosecution for dangerous driving.
— An Garda Síochána (@GardaTraffic) September 24, 2021
FCPNs were issued to all. pic.twitter.com/O427RM3T7Y