Royal Meadows is in Kilcock.
Moves are being made to take in charge a 20 year old estate in Kilcock.
Residens of Royal Meadows have petitioned Kildare County Council to take over the development.
This means that KCC will maintain the area's roads, lighting and water systems.
A series of surveys must be carried out by local authority engineers before that comes to pass, and a snag list of repairs and up-grades prepared.
Money will then be released from the estate's bond to fund the works.
The matter was raised by Fianna Fáil Cllr., Paul Ward, who lives there.
He's been speaking to Kildare Today:
Cllr. Ward joined Clem Ryan on Wednesday's edition of the programme, to discuss his motions before the May meeting of the Clane/Maynooth Municipal District.