Plant supplies water to approx. 620,000 customers in Kildare, Dublin & Meath
Irish Water has announced a new phase of works to upgrade Leixlip Water Treatment Plant.
This includes "essential upgrades to the treatment processes at the plant including coagulation, clarification and filtration. These works will further improve the robustness of the water treatment facilities at both the old and new water treatment plants and are scheduled for completion in Q4 2024. All works will be carried out within the existing site, with no impact to the public."
The plant is the second largest water treatment plant in Ireland, supplying drinking water to over 620,000 customers across Kildare, Dublin and Meath.
That equates to approximately 33% of the Greater Dublin Area (GDA).
Irish Water is "investing almost €20 million to upgrade and modernise the plant which will safeguard the water supply for homes and businesses across Dublin and the GDA for generations to come."
The project began in June 2018, with 15 filters upgraded and fully operational - "each filter capable of processing up to 12 million litres of water per day, the equivalent of 5 Olympic sized swimming pools."
The body also notes "the installation of a new ultraviolet (UV) disinfection process and upgrades to the existing disinfection system have also been completed."
Continuing by stating the upgrades "have modernised the existing facilities and significantly improved drinking water quality, reliability and resilience of the water supply serving Dublin and the Greater Dublin Area as well as greatly reducing the risk of any future boil water notices."
"The works also facilitated the removal of the Leixlip Water Supply Scheme from the EPA’s list of ‘at risk’ supplies, the Remedial Action List (RAL), last year which led to the lowest ever population on the RAL since Irish Water was established."
For more information on the works, visit Water.ie.
Irish Water customer care helpline (open 24/7): 1800 278 278