Planning applications lodged Leixlip and Sallins
Proposals for scores of new homes North Kildare have been published.
Mulberry Properties Ltd is seeking planning permission for 57 houses and apartments on a site on Station Road in Leixlip
Kildare planners are due to issue their decision on July 7th.
The development description is as follows:
"a residential development of 57 dwellings, as follows; 12 no. 3-storey 4-bedroom semi detached houses, 9 no. 3-storey 3-bedroom terraced houses, 6 no. 3-storey 3-bedroom end of terrace houses, 3 no. 1-bedroom 2-storey units in converted stone barn, 15 no. 2 bed-apartments and 12 no. 1 bed apartments in 2 no. 3 storey apartment blocks, with bicycle and refuse stores, site and infrastructural works including foul and surface water drainage, water services, landscaping, planting, boundary walls, roads, carparking, bicycle stands and pathways, news pedestrian access from Station Road and new road entrance from Knockaulin estate"
While in Sallins, William Neville & Sons Construction Unlimited Company, is seeking permission for 30 houses and 50 apartments.
The application is for a site on the town's Main Street.
Planners are also due to issue a decision on this application on July 7th.
The development description is as follows:
"for construction of a residential development comprising 30 dwelling houses (5no. three storey 4 bed detached, 12 no two storey 3 bed semi detached, 11 no. two storey 2 bed terraced and 2 no. three storey 3 bed terraced), 2 no. 4 storey apartment blocks (containing 50 units) and 1 no. 3 storey apartment block (containing 10 units) 60 car parking spaces, bicycle parking and bin stores, together with all associated site development works"