It costs €24,310 for seven-day boarding at Clongowes Wood College in Clane, an increase of €1,160 compared to the 2023/2024 academic year.
The cost of sending a child to a fee-charging school has surged this year, with some parents facing increases of more than €1,300.
It costs €24,310 for seven-day boarding at Clongowes Wood College in Clane, an increase of €1,160 compared to the 2023/2024 academic year.
This places it among the highest-priced private schools in Ireland, second only to St Columba’s College in Rathfarnham, where fees for full boarders have risen by €1,378 to €28,966.
According to the Irish Independent, principals attribute these fee hikes to escalating operational expenses, particularly soaring energy costs.
One principal described the financial pressure as “crippling,” highlighting the challenge of maintaining facilities and services in the face of rising bills.
Despite these challenges, state funding for private education has also seen an increase. The Irish government allocated €143 million to private schools for the 2023/24 academic year, up from €131 million the previous year.