A decision is due in late November.
Plans for new homes in Straffan have been published.
Padraic Ryan is seeking planning permission of Kildare County Council for the consttruction of 22 homes at Glebe House on New Road.
The proposal includes the demotion of a barn, and construction of 18 houses and 4 apartments.
This proposed development is in addition to 5 homes approved on the site under a previous planning permission.
KCC is due to issue its decision on November 25th.
The development description is as follows:
The demolition of the existing barn to the North of Glebe House, adjacent to New Road and the construction of 18 no. two storey houses and 2 no. two storey apartment blocks each containing 2 no. apartments with associated accommodation including bin stores, bicycle parking and new vehicular, cycle and pedestrian access. (22 no. units comprising 18no. Houses and 2no. Apartments generally to the rear and side of Glebe House and 2no. Apartments on the site of the existing barn being demolished). These 22 dwelling units are in addition to the 5 dwellings approved under Planning Reference ABP-307534-20, on this site (along with the conversion of the existing site entrance and driveway into a pedestrian route). The vehicular entrance will be through the existing site entrance opposite Scoil Bhride National School on New Road. A new drop off lay-by is provided, on New Road, adjacent to the existing site entrance and driveway. The 22 new dwellings being applied for comprise the following; 1no. Type A1 (1no. 1bed apartment & 1no. 2bed apartment in two storey block); 1no. Type A2 (2no. 2bed apartments in two storey block); 5no. Type B (two storey terraced 3bed house) & 1no. Type B1 (two storey end terraced 3bed house); 3no. Type C (two storey detached 4bed houses); 7no. Type D (4 bed two storey terraced houses) and 2no. Type D1 (two storey end terraced 5bed houses); the provision of solar photovoltaic panels (PV) on the roofs of new dwellings, provision of all associated and ancillary site works, boundary treatments, new vehicular entrance and landscaping works to include the reinstatement of some historical pathways to the front of Glebe House, the conversion of the existing site entrance and driveway (to the front of Glebe House and adjacent to the Beeches Housing development) into a pedestrian/cycle route accessing Glebe House, the adjacent buildings and also the proposed development. Glebe House is listed on the record of Protected Structures in the Kildare County Development Plan 2017-2023. All at
Development Address:Glebe House,New Road,Straffan,Co. Kildare."