An Bord Pleanala has overturned Kildare County Council's decision.
The Irish Times reports that An Bord Pleanala has approved plans to extract 3 million tonnes of sand and gravel from a quarry at Ballyshannon.
Kilsaran Concrete sought leave for a new sand and gravel extraction development at Racefield.
It sought an extraction operational period of 12 years, with 2 years to complete restoration.
Kildare County Council refused permission for the project in November 2019, on four grounds.
Kilsaran referred the matter to the national planning authority.
Controversial Kildare quarry plan approved by An Bord Pleanála
— The Irish Times (@IrishTimes) June 11, 2021
There was staunch local opposition to the project, and over 200 objections were submitted to ABP, including by the Aga Khan and other leading members of the racing industry.
The Irish Times reports " The inspector had found that the quarry would seriously injure properties near and around Ballyshannon because of traffic, noise, general disturbance, and would cut property values.
However, An Bord Pleanála ruled that it would not seriously damage visual or residential amenities in the area, and claims that property values would be hit were not demonstrated"