Cyclists and pedestrians have raised numerous safety concerns.
A Sallins based councillor says people have to look at the big picture when assessing the effectiveness of the town's by pass.
The by-pass is part of the €110 million M7 up-grade project, and opened to traffic on April 19th.
Naas MD Social Democrats Cllr., Bill Clear, says cyclists and pedestrians have raised numerous safety concerns with the route.
However, it is "perfect, more or less" for drivers.
Fianna Fáil Cllr on the Naas Municipal District, Carmel Kelly, lives in Sallins.
She says these problems are being attended to.
Cllr. Kelly joined Eoin Beatty and Clem Ryan on Wednesday's edition of Kildare Today to discuss the route, and her motions before the May meeting of the Naas MD.