The Party there were attempts to resolve 'issues in the constituency' through mediation and discussion.
Sinn Fein says there were 'no formal complaints' made to the party HQ regarding the issues raised by Patricia Ryan.
In a statement the party says there were attempts to resolve 'issues in the constituency' through mediation and discussion - which it says were not successful.
"We were aware there were issues in the constituency. There were no formal complaints made," a spokesperson for the Party said.
Kfm has yet to receive a direct statement from the party.
The spokesperson said the Party does not believe there was a vetting of questions by members to leader Mary Lou McDonald - as claimed by the Kildare South TD.
“Sinn Féin is a democratic party and every TD has to go before convention to be selected for an upcoming election. Patricia chose not to do this", the spokesperson said.
In an exclusive interview on Kildare Today Deputy Ryan said she felt pushed out of Sinn Fein by party leadership.
She said when she attended local meetings, she was often asked to show questions she would ask in advance.
You can read that story here.
You can listen to the full interview here: