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Fórsa: SNAs Need To Be Provided With High-Grade Face Masks

File image: Rolling News

Union says social distancing is impossible.

School principals and boards of management have been urged to take immediate steps to ensure adequate ventilation and air quality in classrooms and to provide special needs assistants with FFP2-grade face masks.
Fórsa has written to all school principals and boards of management.
The union has also called on school management to ensure that legal minimum workplace temperatures of at least 16 degrees Celsius are maintained as schools implement Covid–related ventilation measures.
The Fórsa letter argues that school management should supply SNAs with FFP2 masks because they work with students in circumstances where social distancing is impossible.
It pointed out that the HSE’s Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC), which issues information and guidance on workplace Covid protection measures, is to review its existing advice on the provision of FFP2 masks to SNAs.
In an update to its 14,000 SNA members today, Fórsa said it accepted the reality that windows may have to be left open to achieve compliance with Covid-related air quality and ventilation requirements.
However, it said principals and management boards had a responsibility to take all possible measures to maintain an acceptable temperature of at least 16 Degree Celsius, including the provision of portable heaters where necessary.
The union has also raised the issues with the Department of Education, which it says has not implemented adequate measures to support schools during the current phase of the pandemic.
It has insisted that steps be taken in every school to update Covid-19 response plans with fresh assessments of risk regarding air quality, ventilation measures and compliance with minimum workplace temperatures.
Assistant Secetary General , Forsa Trade Union, Shane Lambert, spoke with Ciara Noble on this morning's Kildare Today:

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